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Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Here is a movie I hadn't seen in almost 27 years.

This was a fun 1963 Italian swashbuckler, and it was just as fun to see it again after all these years.

During the Spanish Inquisition a man named Sandrigo Bembo (Lex Barker) is accused of treason by a Grand Inquisitor named Rodrigo Zeno (Guy Madison) which everyone knows is a false charge.

However Zeno is in love with Leonora Danin (Alessandra Panaro) and she plans to marry Bembo, so what a better way to despose of his competition. This is the very simple plot of the film.

What makes ther movie so good to me is the performances by all involved and that even with a threadbear plot, the story never slows down or fails to hold the interest of the viewer.

There is a lot of action and Barker is great as always in these kinds of films. The presentation from Sinister is very good and I also believe this is streaming on TUBI right now as well.

The rest of the cast includes Mario Petri, Alberto Farnese, Mirella Roxy and John Bartha.

A good one for fans of the genre.

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