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Saturday, July 6, 2024


Well made drama directed by Val Guest.

Dr. Steven Monks (Richard Johnson) and hie beautiful wife Julie (Claire Bloom) have a shaky marriage as we are introduced to them during a New Year's Eve Party.

Their marriage is soon put to even further tests as a huge smallpx epidemic breaks out in London and Steven has to race to find where it started and put an end to it.

This is the simple plot that director Guest takes and makes into a very watchable film. Johnson and Bloom make the film work, and these two also worked together well in the 1961 fright fest entitled "The Haunting".

I enjoyed this more than I thought I would for the very reasons I stated above..the actors do a magnificent job and Johnson's character of Steve Monks is a very torn and guilty character but it is never overplayed.

Clair Bloom looks terrific as always and her class and style help make this a winner. The rest of the cast is made up of very familiar faces from many Hammer horror films.

Some of those cast members are e Dolan, Cyril Cusack, Mervyn Johns, Kay Walsh, Ray Barret, and Ursula Howells.

If you get the chamce, check out this underrated and underseen film.

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