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Sunday, May 30, 2010


This was a low budget anthology film much like the horror films I saw during the 70's such as House that Dripped Blood, Tales from The Crypt and Vault Of Horror. Again I had my friends and co-workes star in the film and I financed the entire project over a two week shooting period.
On a budget of 3000 dollars shooting began in the winter of 1996/97. Wayne Hard returned for more acting duties and lead photographer. I also had Marvin "Skip" Shiver star in the final segement as a man who will not stay dead. The episode that is talked about and liked the most is the one I just mentioned and the one about a strange package delivered in the mail. People really liked those and that made me pretty happy.
Writing duties went to your truely and I also did the makeup and just about everything else. You will notice that in all the stories a mention is made of serum X-17, which we carried over from the last film as a kind of "in joke" on the audience.
In the second story I had to hire two guys on the spot as my other actors quit and they had 20 minutes to learn their lines, which is why they are so terrible. I felt sorry for them.
Jeff Campion, who plays one of the people I take to Hell with me died a few years later at the age of 34 from heart problems.
Jeff was a great friend and I do miss him. Two weeks of constant filming and editing and the film was released on video in summer of 1997.
The sales of this film were far better than my expectations which allowed me to finance the film I am probably best known for in the low budget film world....Tales of the Damned..........bur before that, I had started filming The Soul Eaters......

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