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Friday, June 22, 2012


Wow!! I had never had the chance to view this infamous Bruno Mattei film until now, and all I can say is wow. A couple of hundred years after the world has been wiped out by Atomic War a ragtag group of survivors living on the surface stop for some rest at a facility that they soon find is overrun with mutated killer rats.
None of the characters is likable except for a young black woman named Chocolate who seems to actually have some human feelings. She is played by Garetta Garetta a fairly well known actress working primarily in Italy but born in Portland, Oregon.
The rampaging rats in some of the scenes look like plastic toys on an assembly line, but what the hell, this is fun, and some of the dialogue is simply priceless.
As the film opens we learn of a race of people living undreground that are supposedly more intelligent than the above ground scavengers..and in the end the last two surviving members of the group find out what the race living underground really is...and it is a kicker.
If you have never seen this film I am not going to give it away, but it will surprise you.
I admit I liked this movie, it is harmless entertainment, a little gory at times, but fun anyway. If you get a chance, check it out.

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