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Friday, September 13, 2013


Hammer horror/mystery/adventure film.

Peter Cushing stars as an evil pirate named Clegg who has mellowed with time, but is still involved in smuggling on a small island. He is also the minister of the small church. The Royal Crown sends in Captain Collier, played very well by Patrick Allen to investigate the smuggling operation.

Clegg's men have been terrorizing the locals with "phantoms" and they stay away from the marshes where the smuggling takes place. They also make it very difficult for Collier to investigate.

There are top notch performances from Milton Reid, Michael Ripper, Oliver Reed, Martin Benson and Yvonne Romain. Yvonne was one of the most beautiful women to EVER appear in movies, and it's a shame she didn't do more. I will watch anything with her in it.

This is a recommended film for Hammer fans and action/adventure fans.

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