Unusual to say the least. A mad female scientist named Frieda Frankenstein, played by gorgeous Gina Romand, needs the blood of Santo to create a perfect version of the youth serum she now uses on herself and her henchmen.
To do this she kidnaps his girlfriend Norma in order to get Santo to appear. He does, kicks ass and then rescues Norma and leaves. Later all are recaptured and Santo must fight for his freedom as well as his girlfriend and her sister as well. Freda has created a monster that looks much like the apeman in "Night Of The Bloody Apes" and she also has a Frankenstein monster she calls Urses.
The colors are garish and comic book in nature which only adds to the charm of this film. I like this movie a lot and so will you if you give it a chance. I admit however that I do have a weakness for sexy female scientists in short skirts and boots. Recommended!!

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