Bruce Fairbairn and Trey Wilson are two sailors on leave in the Philippines who run across a small group of vampires while looking for a good time.
John Carradine is a Shakespeare quoting vampire, but it is the three incredibly gorgeous vampire women that are the main attraction here. Karen Stride, Lenka Novak and Katie Dolan are three of the sexiest women I have seen in a long time in a vampire movie. They would be very hard to resist under any circumstances.
Vic Diaz is a helper to the vampires who wishes he was one of the undead as well, but he has a problem with passing gas and cannot stay inside a coffin very long. The humor, as you have guessed is somewhat strained in this interesting misfire from Cirio Santiago.
The print from Vinegar Syndrome is very good and the colors are very deep and rich. This is on a disc with another Santiago feature entitled "Death Force". Recommended for non discriminating fans.

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