Anne Francis stars as a woman accused of killing her husband. Jud Farrow breaks her out of prison and takes her to the safety of her uncle's New Mexico ranch.
A bounty hunter named Gil McCord is hired to bring her back for hanging. He goes undercover and gets a job at the same ranch and waits for the time to bring Ellen Beldon (Francis) back for her justice.
Rory Calhoun oes an excellent job as Gil, the bounty hunter who is somewhat sympathetic towards Ellen. He takes he back for hanging andd along the way he begins to suspect someone else killed her husband.
The Lone Pine locations add a lot to the film, and it has a lot crammed into it's 63 minute running time. The rest of the cast includes Vince Edwards, Chuck Conners, John Litel and Robert Burton.
A rare little western. If you get a chance see it.

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