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Monday, May 14, 2018


VCI finally gives the world a very good print of this often hated movie.

Directed by Del Tenney in 1964, this film sat on the shelf until 1971 when Jerry Gross needed a co-feature for his splatter classic "I Drink Your Blood". The film was re-titled "I Eat Your Skin" and released on a rather startling double bill.

This little black and white gem centers around a cocky writer who makes a rather hasty trip with his manager and to a small island in the Caribbean which is inhabited by a doctor who is working on cancer research.

Almost as soon as they land on the island they are attacked by bizarre mutant creature that attacks the writer, Tom Harris (William Joyce) with a machete. The creature escapes after the local police shoot at it, but not before cutting off the head of an innocent native.

Harris is introduced to a beautiful young woman named Jeannie (Heather Hewitt), who happens to be the doctors daughter. The two fall in love and Tom finds himself fighting for his life and Jeannie's as well.

I have never found this film as bad as most people say it is. Yes, it does get talky sometimes, but it's still entertaining and the zombies are pretty cool.

This print from VCI is the only one I have seen which has a clear picture and is presented in the correct aspect ratio. The film even has the original title card. Sound is very good as well. I enjoyed seeing this again and can easily recommend this version of the film over all others on the market.

The rest of the cast includes Walter Coy, Betty Hyatt Linton and Robert Stanton. I also find Heather Hewitt to be VERY easy on the eyes.

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