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Thursday, March 12, 2020


The world is a crazy place indeed.

For the last two weeks I have been inundated with insanity and it seems to be spreading. Let me explain.

All my life from as far back as I can remember I have been a fan of movies. Basically the older films as they provide entertainment, unlike most of todays garbage. However, this imaginary Coronavirus has really made me stop and think about a few things.

There are a lot of people who like movies...actually countless hundreds of thousands of people do, but I am beginning to think they take them way to seriously and the line between fantasy and reality has been blurred for many of these people.

What I mean is this.....people are taking this virus way out of the bounds of common sense. Many horror conventions have been cancelled, the NBA has cancelled things until further notice from what I understand and March Madness will be played in empty arenas. My question is why?

I can only surmise that people have been brainwashed by movies and the media to believe there is some deadly strain out there killing millions. This only happens in the movies and cannot happen in real life. I have been to some of these "fanboy" sights and am shocked to the point of nausea with their comments, which is why I NEVER join any of them.

These people seem to think what they see in movies is real and by God they are more than ready to put their entire lives on hold because of it. Ridiculous to say the least. As I said, this way of thinking is brought on by movies and the media.

I have never understood why people accept ANYTHING they are told without questioning it. I don't support the NBA or any college athletics, but those that do should stop their panic and go and enjoy life. We only get one shot at it and I don't believe in living in fear.

As for the horror conventions, it's a sad day when people who share a common love for genre films also share a common fear that a killer virus is loose. The only killer virus there will ever be was in such films as "Last Man On Earth" and many others of it's kind.

I will continue living my life and enjoying the things I enjoy without letting imaginary things destroy it. I hope some of you out there feel the same. Sad times indeed and there will be even more hysteria to come I am sure. Where I live, life continues as always.


  1. Amen brother. I too think everyone is jumping the gun on this scenario big time. I hope they do not cancel the TCM showing of King Kong 1933 this Sunday at theaters. Take care!

    1. Yes. They are not playing it in my area, of course, but I hope they don't as well.
