I love Milligan films, and yes I know just saying that to most people is enough to have me lynched, but there is an underlying "something" to all of his films that I cannot resist.
This is a very simple story about 3 couples who are forced to stay in an old Victorian mansion for three days in order to inherit a fortune that the late father of the three women has left them.
One by one they are killed in very gruesome ways, and yes, the gore effects are not well done, but some can be effective anyway. Also as with most Milligan films you see or hear many things you aren't supposed to. There is one scene where you see lots of power lines and poles, even though this takes place in Victorian times.
Milligan shot this is a very tight framework, and it really doesn't work well. The cast is not very attractive, but I admit that does add a seedy edge to the proceeding.
The opening meat ax gore killing was filmed after principle photography was finished and added on later. The ending of the film is very abrupt, which leads me to believe Milligan ran out of money. His films are not for everyone, but I do suggest you try a few just to see if you might like them, but don't start with this one.
This version is the 72 minute version. There is an 81 minute version from Something Weird which I might check out some day but I liked this one so I am in no hurry. This is not available on a single disc from Sinister Cinema. It's only available on a Drive-In Double Feature Disc paired with "Headless Eyes", and oh my God what a viewing experience that makes.
Well anyway, if you're so inclined you might want to watch this and see what a $13,000 epic filmed on State Island is like.

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