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Saturday, May 1, 2021


My favorite Italian horror film!!

I reviewed this film many years ago and I figured I do it again because Sinister Cinema has issued and beautiful anamorphic widescreen print of it.

Massimo Pupillo directed this wild and bizarre film starring Mickey Hargitay as Travis Anderson, an ex-actor who has retreated from civilazation because he hates people.

His castle is "invaded" by a troupe of models and cameramen who want to use the castle as a setting for their lurid paperback photos. Anderson at first says no, but when he spots a young woman named Edith (Luisa Baratto) whom he knows from his previous life he agrees to let them stay one night.

Things start to happen right away. A couple of the models are killed and it soon becomes apparent that the spirit of the castles former owner "The Crimson Executioner" has returned.

Yes indeed, Travis assumes the role of the Executioner and being to go mad. He imprisons two female models, Suzy (Barbara Nelli) and Annie (Femi Benussi) and the manager in the dungeon.

Travis proceeds to torture the women with sharp swords, water torture, the stretching rack and more. One model, Kinojo (Moa Tahi) is killed in a bizarre spider web-like contraption.

Will anyone survive the sadistic Travis and his torture chamber? The colors in this print are deep and beautiful and the print is damn near perfect, even if it is the US version that runs 74 minutes.

I can't recommend this enough because it's a personal favorite. I love this film so much I bought an original poster and lobby card set as well as 8X10 stills and the very rare Italian picture book based on the film. And, yes Femi Benussi looks fantastic as always.

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