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Friday, May 21, 2021


Great little thriller with an ending I never saw coming.

Beautiful Mimsy Farmer stars as a young woman named Sylvia who is an industrial scientist with a very dark past.

Her mother killed herself and it seems that she was molested or something by a lover of her mother. These thoughts are on her mind almost all the time.

She sees visions of her mother as well as the man who tried to molest her. Slowly, she sinks into depression and nobody believes her when she tells them that she is being haunted by her visions.

As things get worse she quits her job and starts living with a child who seems to be her at a young agew. Yep it gets really weird from this point on, and it finally builds to an ending that comes right out of left field.

I won't give away anything else, but if you like bizarre Italian films that want to be a giallo then switch to horror in the blink of an eye, you'll want to see this.

The print from Sinister is gorgeous and widescreen. The colorful photography really helps the film and there are some really great set pieces here. By all means, see this comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

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