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Saturday, April 15, 2023

ROCKY 4 1985 (TUBI)

This movie is the epitome of patriotic movies, and it hits all the right spots.

Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) is the Heavyweight Boxing Champ of the world after regaining the title in the previous movie from Clubber Lang (Mr.T).

His wife Adrian (Talia Shire) wants him to retire and enjoy his life with her and thier son, but a new challenger named Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren) emerges from Russia, and his manager Ludmilla (Brigette Neilsen) demands a title shot.

Of course Rocky cannot say no, much to the shagrine of his wife and friends. Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) and Paulie (Burt Young) train Rocky in Russia for the upcoming Christmas Day fight.

Lundgren makes an imposing figure standing at 6'4" and towering over Stallone. Again, the climactic battle between the two makes for some brainless but classic cinema.

I thought it was very cool to have Michael Pataki in the film as an evil Russian doctor that has somewhat "created" Drago. He's perfect with roles like that.

When this movie came out it was still a good thing to be a Patriot and love your country. In this day and age it's sadly not well thought of to be proud of your country and this kind of movie would not fly today.

However, it is a great film and I'm still proud to wave the flag and love my country. If you haven't seen this film I recommend you do. It's a great piece of entertainment.

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