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Friday, April 14, 2023


What a disappointment.

This movie starts out pretty good as a man in a psychotic episode axes a woman to death and then is hunted by the police and arrested. He escapes from them and they are forced to shoot him multiple times.

From that point on it goes downhill. Chuck Norris stars as Dan Stevens, a sheriff in a small Texas town who finds himself against a silent killer that can heal himself due to genetic experiments by two scientists.

I like Norris and his films, but this one really stinks. It seems like the story writer and the director had no idea what to do with this plot so they just winged it.

Bran Libbey is fins as the silent killer named John Kirby, but this film gives him no room to really extend his character. I had high hopes for this film, but the bottom fell out quickly and I found myself hoping it would end soon.

Watch at your own peril.

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