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Friday, October 13, 2023


A made for TV horror film I hadn't seen in 50 years.

The movies opens with a thief named Joe Sung (Keye Luke) breaking into a museume and stealing a medallion from the corpse of a mummy which results in a bizarre murder of another man named Frank Lucas (Kent Smith). The murder draws a detective, Lt. Marco (Stuart Whitman) into the strange case and he consults a professsor named Roger Edmonds into the case. Edmonds (David Hedison) is an expert in ancient Egyptian culture.

Marco traces the amulet to a occult shop run by a mysterious woman called Hester Black (Gales Sondergaard) whose young female employee was killed by a creature that tore out her throat and drained her body of blood.

Edmonds becomes enchanted by her new employee, another beautiful woman. Her name is Rena Carter (Meredith Baxter) and she and Edmonds hit it off very well and she even helps him a little with the case he and Marco are working on.

Soon it becomes apparent that something to do with the mummy is involved in a quickly developing string of killings. The ending of the movie is really a suprise, but it is handled well and should please any horror fan.

This was back in the day when TV had an almost weekly horror film and this one came from ABC. All of the actors do a very good job and director Curtis Harrington knows the material well.

The rest of the very familiar cast includes John Carridine, Renne Jarrett, Milton Parsons and John Abbott.

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