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Sunday, October 15, 2023


Another fine Mario Bava mystery/horror film.

A wealthy professor played by William Berger invites several people to his mansion to see a resin formula he has invented. Several of the people bid millions for it, but Prof. Frits Farrell isn't interested in their money.

Tis sets the stage for people to be murdered one by one of the private island and the set up is much like the tale "Ten Little Indians". There are plenty of gruesome killings and the bodies are stored in the freezer in plastic bags as nobody can contact the outside for police help.

This becomes a running sight gag in the film as Bava chooses to lighten things up at certain points in the film. The cast of the film has the usual staple of beautiful women such as Ira Von Furstenberg as Farrells' wife, the gorgeous Edwige Fenech who is killed much too soon in my opinion. She is one kinky women in this film and everything she does in amy movie is ok with me.

I won't reveal the ending, of course, but I would really recommend this to any Bava fan. The colors are great and the photography is beautiful, and it doesn't hurt that it focuses on the women quite a bit.

The rest of the cast includes Helena Ronee, Howard Ross, Ely Galleani and Edith Maloni. I have to say that Ely Galleani is simply sexy as heck and has quite a subdued role in the film, but her character is part of the great twist ending.

I never had the pleasure of seeing this film until I caught it on streaming and it's a good one. I can only imagine what some fans thought of this film back in 1970.

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