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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Set in Livingston, Montana in 1974 this odd little film from director Frank Perry stars Jeff Bridges and Sam Waterston as two modern day cattle rustlers in the "no longer wild" west. Slim Pickens has a great role as a stock detective hired by a Clifton James and his wife Elizabeth Ashley to find out who is shooting their cattle. Harry Dean Stanton is a cowhand on the ranch and Jimmy Buffett singa "Livingston Saturday Night" in a bar scene filmed in the long gone Long Branch Saloon.
To see Livingston as the town I remember was wonderful for me. Now it is nothing but art galleries, wine shops and marijuana stores, but back in the 70's, 80's and the 90's it did have a flavor of it's own.
Lots of friends of mine in this film including Joe Spinell who has a small part as Sam Waterston's father. Most people reading this probably remember him better from Maniac and The Last Horror Film both where he co-starred with Caroline Munro.
On a personal level an excellent film, it isn't for everyone, but if you have a hankering, check it out.

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