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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I was licking my chops to finally see the new film from George A. Romero and was I disappointed????????? HELL NO!!!!! I love this film.
On a small island off the coast of Delaware a group of survivors live on a small island but a fued breaks out between two families living there. One wants to keep the dead alive until a cure can be found, and the other wants them dead.
One of the characters from Romero's last film, Diary of the Dead has a major role this time as a National Guard Sargent which he was in the previous film, but only had about 1 minute screen time.
I may be a bit partial here, but I found nothing wrong with this movie and enjoyed it perhaps better than anything else so far this year. I love Romero's zombies and all of his movies, no matter what they are.
I picked up the 2 disc set and there is a wealth of info including a documentary which runs over an hour on the making of this gem.

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