Gough plays Dr. Decker who takes what he has learned and begins to grow huge plants and he begins experimenting on a small chimp he has brought back from Africa.
His assistant, played by Margo Johns wants to marry Decker but he is way too interested in his young college student helper for that. He also uses his chimp, now a gorilla after some serum injections to kill people who get in his way.
The assistant in a fit of anger injects Konga with the serum and he grows to about 30 or 40 feet and carries Gough thru the streets of London until being shot down by the military. Claire Gordon, the sexy student is eatern by a monster Venus Flytrap!! When I first saw this movie when I was a child I was unimpressed, but now it takes on a whole new meaning, and isn't that bad of a film. Good Fun.

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