Amando De Ossorio directed this very interesting tale about a strange cult that lives in the jungle and sacrifices women by whipping them and then beheading them. This changes them into sexy vampire women who wear leopard skin bikinis and search for other victims.
Yes, the premise is outrageous, but it works very well. The movie opens with the tribe being wiped out by a group of soldiers in 1910 then flashes to the present of 1973 where a group of people have come to make a documentary about wildlife in the jungle.
Mysterious drums at night peak the curiosity of one of the very sexy women in the group and she soon falls victim to the evil cult and is changed into a vampire herself. Then a new reign of terror starts.
This film is one of the most over the top films I have ever seen. There are no unattractive women here, as is the usually case with 70's Spanish horror. The scenes of the women running in slow motion thru the jungle in pursuit of victims is very memorable. My history with this film is very odd in and of itself. When I first saw the film it was on a bootleg that you could hardly see, then I bought this version from Deimos, which I lost in a move I made, then I got another version that was an edited TV version which there is really no point in watching. I looked for this film on the internet and it was going for outrageous prices as it was an OOP disc. Then a few weeks ago I was in a Hastings store in Boise and found it for $1.99. Ahh yes, good things come to those who wait.
The cast includes Jack Taylor, Maria Kosty, Kali Hansa, Loreta Tovar, and Barbara Rey.
I cannot recommend this film enough. It has everything a Spanish horror film should have, sex, blood, moody photography, sexy babes and more sexy babes. See it if you can find it.

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