Roger Corman directed this classic horror film about an alien from the planet Venus that attempts to take over the earth with unwilling human help.
Lee Van Cleef is a scientist who has contact with the alien and helps him in his plan as he believes the alien is here for our own good. Beverly Garland is his long suffering wife and Peter Graves is a heroic scientist who will stop at nothing to defeat the monster and Van Cleef.
There are many fun moments in this film including such scenes as when Garland enters the cave and attempts to kill the monster. She is a very strong willed woman although she meets her death at the hands of the monster, she gives it a what for I will never forget.
The monster looks very cool and is a creation of Paul Blaisdell, one of the unsung heroes of 50's monster films. Other Corman regulars appears such as Dick Miller and Jonathan Haze.
Great fun for 50's monster movie fans, this film really needs to be on DVD, but as long as Susan Nicholson owns the rights that will never happen, and that is a shame.

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