An earthquake near the Salton Sea unleashes giant sea mollusks that begin a reign of terror near a small Naval base and California town.
Several bizarre deaths and disappearances occur and the Navy calls in Lt. Cmdr. John Twillinger played by Tim Holt. He begins his investigation with the help of Dr. Jess Rogers played by Hans Conried. Both soon find that giant mollusks are responsible for the deaths.
After several attempts to stop them fail they finally find the hiding place of these monsters and blow them to kingdom come. However one has hatched from and egg they captured earlier and keep in the lab. It threatens a lovely lady named Gail and her young daughter who have locked themselves in a closet in the lab.
Twillinger and Rogers arrive in time to kill the monster and things are soon right with the world again. The monsters in this film are pretty damn cool. I remember this from a super 8 film I used to have. My first time seeing this was on KSTW in Seattle and I have loved it ever since.
Tim Holt gives a very good performance as Twillinger, as does Conried and Audrey Dalton as Gail. This is excellent 50's monster movie fun. Always recommended very highly.

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