There is plenty of comedy in this strange horror film about a young couple traveling thru Romania have an automobile accident and the car plunges into a lake. The woman is rescued as well as her husband.
It is soon discovered that her body has been taken over by an evil witch from the 18th century. Ian Ogilvy is Phillip and his wife Veronica is played by Barbara Steele. Steele is only in the film for about 20 minutes, but she makes the film enjoyable and a must for horror fans.
The witch is about the ugliest I have ever seen in a film an the comedy about communism is classic. Mel Wells is a hotel keeper named Ladislav Groper! It was interesting to see Lucretia Love as Gropers niece whom he attempts to rape without much success.
The print from Dark Sky is the best this film has ever looked. I used to watch this film on KCPX TV's Nightmare Theater and every print was edited and scratched, not that there is anything wrong with the scratches, but I have always hated editing. I would recommend this film to any horror fan if you're looking for something a little unusual.

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