I stumbled across this film back in 1988 and have loved it ever since. This was a very troubled production and had three people directing it. Those people being credited director Kenneth Hall, and uncredited Ted Newsom and Fred Olen Ray.
It stars the lovely Bobbi Bresee as an aging actress who will do anything to stay young and get the lead role in a film called "Savage Goddess". Enter a strange woman named Evelyn Avery (Dawn Wildsmith) who offers her a drug that she claims has been tested and is totally safe.
Bresee's character of Lynn Roman decides to take the drug, and before you know it she is becoming violent and changing into a bizarre looking insect monster that kills people.
The creature costume is pretty cool and I will watch ANYTHING with sexy Bresee in it. The DVD presentation from Retromedia has been in my collection for sometime and I will always keep it right there.
I can easily recommend this film, but that may be because I am partial since I have known Bresee for a while and have spoken to her in the past about the problems this film suffered.
Bresee and her husband are very kind and highly educated. Those kind of people are rare in the movie business anymore. Anyway, see this film for some cheap fun.
The cast is rounded out by Fox Harris, Drew Godderis, Pamela Gilbert and John Carradine.

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