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Tuesday, March 7, 2017


This release caught everyone by surprise, but it is a delight to see.

Warner Archive brings us this prehistoric treat to a very beautiful Blu-ray. This Hammer film features gorgeous Victoria Vetri as a cavegirl named Sanna who escapes from her tribe during a sacrifice of blonde women to a sun god.

She meets up with Tara (Robin Hawdon) and the two hit it off. Sanna is constantly pursued by Kingsor (Patrick Allen) the leader of her tribe that wants her dead.

As usual there isn't much dialogue here, but the dinosaur effects by Jim Danforth are stunning and rival anything Ray Harryhausen ever did.

When first released on DVD by Warner a few years ago it was stated on the box that this was rated G, but the version that ended up on the disc was the international version containing some nudity. Needless to say it was quickly pulled and became a collectors item.

Well the Blu-ray is indeed the uncut version and Miss Vetri is stunning. Besides Vetri we also have two other absolutely gorgeous women in the cast and they are Imogen Hassell and Magda Konopka. All three of these women rival any dino segment in the beautiful department.

The presentation has never looked better, and the sound is excellent. When I ordered this disc from Amazon, it was then their number one best seller in Blu-ray. The following for this film is huge and we all owe Warner Archive a huge thanks for bringing this out.

One of the best releases so far this year. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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