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Thursday, July 13, 2017


A very odd combination of horror film/art film.

Duane Jones stars as Dr. Hess Green an archaeologist who hires a new assistant, played by the director, Bill Gunn.

Gunn's character of George Meda is one weird son of a bitch and before too long he stabs Hess with a ceremonial dagger which has ancient germs on it.

George then commits suicide, but Hess finds he has an insatiable thirst for blood and he cannot be killed. He lives a quiet life with this secret until one day he gets a call from a woman named Ganja Meda (Marlene Clarke, looking hotter than hell, as usual)wanting to know where he husband is.

She takes it upon herself to come to Dr. Hess's home and at first is an arrogant bitch, until Hess wins her over. She discovers her husbands dead body in a freezer, but that does not stop her and Hess from marrying. Shortly after the union, Hess turns Ganja into what he is.

They live a life of blood drinking together, at least for a while.

This film is not for everyone. Director Gunn had a vision and he seems to have made it work ok. The film was tampered with and about 35 minutes were cut without the director's approval. It has been restored for the Blu-ray, but since the original negative was cut, this disc is culled from various 35mm prints left in existence.

There are still parts of this film I don't really understand, but I guess that is what Gunn was trying for. I don't know, but I did enjoy it. It's totally different, and if you haven't seen it I recommend you do.

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