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Saturday, March 31, 2018


One of the greatest and overlooked films ever made.

The plot to this 20th Century Fox, 3D, stereophonic film is quite simple.

A tough as nails business tycoon breaks his leg on a trip in the desert and is left to die by his scheming wife and her lover. Robert Ryan turns in another excellent performance as Don Carson, a spoiled exec who must fight for his life in the desert.

The opening credits play over the wife, Geraldine (beautiful Rhonda Fleming) and her lover, Joe Duncan (William Lundigan) covering their tracks and attempting to lead authorities astray.

Fleming and Lundigan are very believable as the two lovers who believe they have pulled off the perfect crime. There performances go from a little uneasy, to relaxed to absolute panic once they discover that Don is still alive.

Roy Ward Bake, who helmed many Hammer horror films directed this and one can see that his career was headed straight for the top. The 3D effects are not overdone in the least and I swear to God Fleming was born for Technicolor!!

The climactic fight scene was added at the last minute because the producer thought the ending was too low key. I disagree, but it still works, and that is because of Baker.

One of the film noirs that works in color, this is a must see film!! As you can see the cast is top of the line and the film builds a great deal of tension. This was a favorite film of my late friend John Fredriksen who also interviewed Lundigan about the film, and Bill said he really liked the role and wished the film was better known.

If you get a chance, see this movie. I know it's available on Blu-ray from Twilight Time. A HIGHLY RECOMMENDED film noir gem. The rest of the cast includes Larry Keating, Henry Hull, Carl Betz and Robert Burton.

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