Yesdterday I reviewed "Tales That Witness Madness" which was written by Jennifer Jayne. This film was also written by a couple of women, Vy Russell and Sue Dwiggins. This leads me to believe that some of these women have very twisted minds, and I do mean this in a very good way.
There have been many copies of this movie around under the title "The Atomic Brain" and you can toss all of them away because of this beautiful Blu-ray.
The story revolves around an elderly woman named Mrs. March (Marjorie Eaton) who has hired a twisted doctor named Otto Frank (Frank Gerstle) to transplant her brain into the body of a young woman.
She brings three women to her home under the pretense of maid service. One of the women has her brain replaced with that of a cat and this results in some of the most bizarre things I have seen in a movie. Of course, there are other creatures walking around including a dog/man and a souless zombie girl.
Yep, things get even weirder and the demented doctor pulls a fast one on his benefactor and puts her brain into the body of a cat. Only one of the young women escapes, but things are far from over as the movie has an open ending. The rest of the cast includes Erika Peters, Lisa Lang and the beautiful Judy Bamber.
The disc is simply the most beautiful looking print of this film you'll ever see. It includes a few extras such as restoration info and comparison, and an interview with Bradford Dillman and Pamela Dillman about the involvement of Brad's brother Dean in the film. There is also a widescreen anf full screen version and "Atomic Brain" opening credit sequence.
If you're a fan of this film like I am this is a no brainer. Check it out.

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