Darby Hinton stars as a private detective named Cody Abilene, a smooth talking, handsome ladies man who is always willing to help a lady is distress.
He is hired by a very beautiful woman named Contessa Luciana (Sybil Danning) to watch over someone. In the meantime our national security is being threatened by a traitor who is selling our technology to the Russians.
Abilene becomes involved in this as well and this leads to plenty of shoot ups and a lot of non stop action.
The plot is fairly simple but it works very well. There are plenty of beautiful women , many of whom have topless scenes including the luscious Miss Danning. As in any Sidaris film there is plenty of eye candy for both men and women as we will see in later reviews of Mr. Sidaris' work.
The rest of the cast includes Art Metrano, Shelley Taylor Morgan, Lori Sutton, Lorraine Michaels and Brett Baxter Clark. If you like action and adventure, beautiful women and well made films you might want to check this out.
This was made in a time when PC crap didn't exist and the women who acted in movies were not the ugly wretched whiners they are today. As I always say, this was a time when men were men and women were proud of it.

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