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Friday, June 22, 2018


This movie, at least for me was a fun ride.

Frederick Stafford takes over the role of OSS 117 in this interesting tale.

This was his first role and he does very well as the suave French secret agent. OSS 117 is sent to Rio de Janeiro to investigate a twisted organization that is out to again destroy all of the world.

The mysterious drug that the organization is creating is capable of completely controlling the minds of people who are infected with it.

OSS 117 slowly infiltrates the group and runs into the gorgeous Anna-Maria Sulza played by Mylene Demongeot, who of course was a top French sex symbol of the 50's and 60's, oh and does she look delicious in this film!

There is plenty of action, romance and gadgetry going on to keep fans interested. The plots are usually very simple as in the 007 films they are trying to emulate.

This film is a winner and one of the best of the series. Kino again brings this to you in French with English subtitles. Recommended!!

1 comment:

  1. Mylene Demongeot was an absolutely stunning woman in her day. Unfortunately like so many others of her kind, age has not been kind to her. But then again, at 82 not too many people look that good so I guess she looks better than some. -Peace-
