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Sunday, June 24, 2018


Absolutely the best of the five film series from far. I have one to go.

Fredrick Stafford returns as agent Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath aka OSS 117.

When an American Navy base is wiped out on a small island OSS 117 is called in to investigate who is behind it. Almost immediately he discovers that a young woman working in the US Embassy in Tokyo gave secret information to mysterious men who she claims are blackmailing her. She is Eva Wilson (Marina Vlady) and she tells a pretty convincing story.

Hubert believes her and takes on the role of her husband to try and find out who is blackmailing her, but it seems she has double crossed him as she disappears during a visit with the mysterious organization.

Hubert is almost killed numerous times and is finally joined by the Japanese secret police and a beautiful police Sargent named Tetsuko (Jitsuko Yoshimura) whom he quickly falls for, and who could blame him.

There are a lot of crosses and double crosses in this exciting little gem of a spy picture as Oss 117 has only a limited time before another US base is annihilated. He and Tetsuko race against time to stop the terrorists who are blackmailing the Government.

As I said at the beginning, this is one of the best of the series and a very enjoyable film all together. The print looks very good, of course and again, it is presented in French language with English subtitles.

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