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Thursday, June 21, 2018

RIP MARIA ROHM 1945-2018

One of the most beautiful women in cinema history has passed away.

I saw Maria in a Fu Manchu movie entitled "Vengeance Of Fu Manchu" when I was about 10 and have loved her ever since. As I grew older I searched out everything she did and was always impressed.

The sultry actress appeared in many Euro horror and exploitation films, some directed by Jess Franco and produced by Harry Alan Towers. She married Towers in 1964 and they were married until he died in 2009. I always considered him a VERY lucky man.

Some of her many films include "99 Women", "Vengeance Of Fu Manchu", "Blood Of Fu Manchu", "10 Little Indians", "Justine", "Bloody Judge", "Rio 70", and "The Million Eyes Of Sumuru".

I have tried to collect every film she was in and I am only missing a few, but that will change in time. She was simply stunningly beautiful in EVERY film she was in and I guess I will always love Maria. She often said she loved the film industry as it brought her in contact with the love of her life...Harry Alan Towers.

She will be missed, but her legacy will live forever. She died June 18th, 2018 at the age of 72

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