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Tuesday, August 7, 2018


This is a ONE TIME ONLY post, that apparently needs to happen.

For 8 years now I have been doing this to share my passion for movies and other things with people. I have met some very interesting people on here and we share the same interests, although we don't agree on everything, but that is normal.

However, some morons have seen fit to "poke the bear" so to speak, and so I will indeed give you what you want...a response. A few days ago I posted a Top 10 movie list and apparently I have made some people angry. I am not going to mention the title and the rude, vulgar comments will NOT be printed in the comments section.

These people or person decided to leave several comments about me personally including calling me racist, neocon, and accusing me of fetishising and many other things. I never bring up my personal life or politics on this blog, but now....yep, so if you're easily offended then tune out. I don't know the name or names of the idiots who posted the crap as everything was anonymous, which doesn't surprise me in the least.

First off, I am a gun owning American who backs our President 100% and remembers when America was great, not the pile of garbage people like you have turned it into. Don't like that? Tough. I am a staunch conservative. Does that piss you off? Good.

Second, you claim I am a racist. Progressive liberals such as yourself ALWAYS use labels like that because you are incapable of intelligent thought. Can you name one post in 8 years that is racist? Nope, but because the people or person is a liberal it's all they know thanks to Barack Obama.

You think I am a Neocon? This shows you must be about 15 in your mommies basement. You have any idea what that means? Well let me educate you since you are stupid....a neocon is a criminally insane person who spends a fortune on killing brown skinned people for the New World Order. You making that comment about me over a movie title shows me you are a typical unstable young liberal, and probably a Star Wars

Now, I am going to get real personal about myself for a moment. You accuse me of fetishising black women. In my personal life I have had white women, hispanic women and black women. I prefer black women as friends and partners. There is a difference between a preference and a fetish and you obviously cannot tell the difference because the inflatable doll you use is colorless. That doll is probably the ONLY relationship you can have being a liberal.

All of this nonsense over a movie title. You are what makes this country suck. You sir or sirs need to get a job, stop protesting and become a MAN. Stop listening to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Your sick comments will NEVER be published here, but I know you'll come back to this blog and you'll know this is a "love" letter from me to you.

If you don't like the blog or what I write, then stop coming here. I bet you visit blogs all the time about rap music and never once complain about anything. Rap is crap and that is why I never visit those blogs. You should do the same with mine.

This has really made me think about either stopping this blog or moving it somewhere else and filter out the trash like you. Oh, and just a few more facts about me you should know. I am much older than you, have done WAY more than you'll ever do and I enjoy my life. You are a miserable little piece of garbage. If you decide to respond to this, I will not respond back. Now since I have told you about me I hope I have helped you out in your hatred of me.

I have had my say, and I am sorry I have had to do this on a blog dedicated to movies and music and other passions. To all the rest of you sane folks out there who read this blog and enjoy it, I cannot thank you enough, and I apologize for the tiraid, but it had to be done.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming....

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