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Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Very well made spaghetti western.

Originally known as "Gatling Gun", this fast moving film stars Robert Woods as Captain Chris Tanner, a man hired by the US Government to go after a criminal called Tarpas (John Ireland).

It seems that Tarpas is trying to extort money from both the North and the South during the American Civil War by kidnapping the creator of the Gatling Gun as well as the prototype itself.

Tarpas is a cold and calculated killer who is of mixed decent and is constantly reminded of that fact by the woman he lusts after, but who wants no part of him for that very reason, Martha Simpson (Claudie Lange).

After ample crosses and double crosses in which many people die, Tarpas and Tanner face off with the former using the Gatling Gun. Their battle to the death takes place on the open desert.

Mill Creek has done a great job bringing this to DVD. They had to cull it from 2 different sources and some of the missing scenes were not dubbed into English, so we do get subtitles. They did a lot of work bringing this to Blu-ray and should be commended.

I highly recommend this film for any fan of the genre and if you haven't seen it, I think you should. The disc is very inexpensive and well worth adding to your collection.

The rest of the cast includes Evelyn Stewart, Ennio Balbo (as Gatling), Tom Felleghy and Rada Rassimov.

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