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Friday, December 13, 2019


Another rare AIP film that I enjoyed a lot.

Over the last few days there have been a lot of films I have talked about which have appeared on Shout TV. They are doing a service to some of us by letting us see some rare AIP films.

This film deals with a suicide squad led by Major Matt McCormack (Mike Conners) who are given the assignment of destroying an American base to keep valuable papers out of the hands of the Japanese during WW2.

Because of the hazard of the mission McCormack and his men are given a 72 hour pass and three months pay to do as they wish until time for the mission roles around. The men do their best to enjoy them selves before they go on what could be their last mission.

Pvt. Tommy Novello (John Ashley) is determined to marry a beautiful Philippine woman, and the rest of the men try to help him, especially Sgt, Harry Donovan (Russ Bender).

In the meantime a female reporter named Elizabeth Ann Mason (Jewell Lain) shows up and finds herself at first attracted to Lt. Chet Hall (Bing Russell), but is soon trying to swoon McCormack.

When the time for the mission arrives all of the men perform their jobs well, but a lot are still killed by the Japanese. The only two to survive is a badly wounded McCormack and Hall.

There isn't a lot of war action in this film, but I still enjoyed it. It' directed by the master Edward L. Cahn and I really liked the cast which also included Scott Peters, Walter Maslow, Marjorie Stapp, and Sammy Tong.

As I have stated before, I enjoy all 50's AIP films no matter what genre they are. A BIG thanks to Shout for finally allowing these to be seen again. I recommend this for fans of the genre.

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