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Wednesday, February 5, 2020


The final entry in the five film series.

A lot of people don't like the Fu Manchu series of films, but I have always found something in them to like and overall I was never disappointed by any of them...but I have to admit this is easily the weakest.

The beginning of the film steals the entire climax from "Brides Of Fu Manchu" and it really goes down from there, no pun intended. In this outing, Fu (Christopher Lee) has discovered the power to freeze all of the oceans of the world.

He is opposed by his arch enemy Nayland Smith (Richard Greene) of Scotland Yard and his friend Doctor Petrie (Howard Marion Crawford). They travel to Istanbul in which Manchu has set up his headquarters.

The arch criminal give the world 10 days to surrender to him or everything freezes. I like this film only for the fact that it's part of the series and the cast members which also includes Tsia Chin as the very sexy Lin Tang, Maria Perschy and of course the always stunning Rosalba Neri.

I think the main problem is the film seems to be missing a huge amount of footage as things don't make a lot of sense and it looks much cheaper than the other entries.

The film is the red headed step child of the five movies and is almost universally despised, but it does have it's moments and I am glad they didn't continue with anymore because it seems Jess Franco had run out of steam with this one.

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