The first Eygptian film I ever saw as Ismail and Abdel Meet Frankenstein and now we have this.
This sci-fi comedy stars Ismail Yassin as a bumbling photographer who climbs onto a rocketship and starts taking unauthorized pictures.
He accidentally launches the rocket into space with himself, the inventor and another man on board. They find they are headed to the moon, and on the way we have to put up with a lot of very bad comedy.
Once the three men finally reach the moon they discover it's almost just like Earth and it even has a bevy of beautiful women whose men have been banished to a nearby cave because they are mutated from atomic radiation from a long ago war.
These cave sequences are really effective and the mutants are very well done. If you can't tell by now this is basically a remake of both "Cat Women Of The Moon" and "Missile To The Moon". There is even a giant robot named Otto thrown in the mix here.
The print quality is excellent and the print does have English subtitles. If you want to see something very rare I would suggest you check it out. I found it no worse than many other films of it's kind I have seen.

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