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Tuesday, April 30, 2024


This was a pretty good chop-socky sword epic.

This filmed in Taiwan epic was directed by Su Yang and during the opening credits we see about 20 people die is sword fights.

Ling Wang stars as a spoiled rich woman who has another life as a super skilled swordswoman who is seeking to right some wrongs that she sees in her life as well as get revenge for the murder of her parents when she was an infant.

Made during the golden era of films like this, it offers nothing new, but is it violent. I lost count, but there must be at least 100 people killed in the 90 minute running time.'

The subtitling isn't too good, but you really don't need them. It's the action that matters in movies like this, not the dialogue. The movie moves along very well and is fast paced, as you'd expect it to be.

If you're a fan of these films, you'll enjoy this. I don't watch too many of these, but I liked this one.

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