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Tuesday, April 16, 2024


This is perhaps one of the top ten oddest films I have ever seen.

The original titles for this film is "The Hidan Of Maukbeingjow" and don't even ask me what the hell that means.

Aliens arrive on Earth with the intent of taking over and croos paths with a couple of drug smugglers and other assortred weird characters. It's much more complicated than one could imagine.

The story also involves a christian woman named Prudence (Elizabeth Rush) who is the apprentice of a wizard who is fighting evil spirits!! Now before you give this a walk away vote, understand that this is not as bad as people think.

It's just a supremely bizarre movie. What I liked best is the 70's flavor of the movie. The cars, the clothes and the women. It was more a trip down memory lane for me.

I used to see this VHS tape available for rent or sale and I never took a look at it until I saw it on streaming the other day. Shame on me for waiting so long.

Yes, the acting is not too good, and the stroy is crazy, but I gotta give the filmmakers kudos for getting it done and coming out with something not so ordinary.

The rest of the unknown cast includes Ele Grigsby, Carla Rueckurt and Pepper Thurston.

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