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Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Well done Spanish/Italian horror film directed by Jose Larraz.

A young man named Sebastian (Christian Borromeo) starts having strange fears and some hallucinations after his father is killed.

Sebastian believes he has the ability to kill anyone with his thoughts and when he does this his bottom lip begins to bleed. He kills a school friend by haing her fall from a tall building and even after he has hypnosis done, his ability to kill seems to get even stronger.

Things get worse and worse for Sebastian and one day he has a taxi take him to an old country home that he dreams about a lot. He finds the house abandoned but enters anyway.

There are a lot of complicated twists in the plot, even though they don't seem that way. I don't want to give away too much here, but let me say that he does discover the awful truth in this house and that the film has a bleak ending worthy of any 40's American film noir.

Since this is an Italian/Spanish production you know you can expect lots of gorgeous women. Here you have Helga Line, Alexandra Bastedo, Berta Cabre and Annabella Incontrera. Also in the cast is Craig Hill.

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