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Wednesday, July 3, 2024


My God what a bleak film this is.

This is a movie about a young female author who writes crime books with an erotic edge is raped by an obsessed fan.

She locks herself in her apartment and never goes out. We see her slowly lose the ability to know what is real or not. This is shades of "Repulsion" from 1962, but far, far more bizarre and bleak.

This really isn't a horror film, but neither is it a standard crime drama. It was filmed in Denmark and it just really shows what kinds of movies other countries are making that we almost never get to see.

Magdalena From Delis is very good as the writer Lisa Rostorp and everyone else does a very good job as well. There are some shocking scenes involving a hammer and I could barely look atthem they are so damned good.

If you're looking for something a bit different you might want to check this out. There are a lot of negative things said about this film, but I say watch and decide for yourself. You'll never forget it..and what a twist at the end!!


Susan Penhaligon is 75.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


The classy Italian actress has passed away.

Maria appeared in over 45 films in her career, most of which I haven't seen. I should remedy that soon.

I and many fans know her drom the classic 1980 Italian shocker "Nightmare City" in which she played Sheila Holmes and was killed by those darned zombies.

A very beautiful woman. She died on July 1, 2024 at the age of 67.


Here is a movie I hadn't seen in almost 27 years.

This was a fun 1963 Italian swashbuckler, and it was just as fun to see it again after all these years.

During the Spanish Inquisition a man named Sandrigo Bembo (Lex Barker) is accused of treason by a Grand Inquisitor named Rodrigo Zeno (Guy Madison) which everyone knows is a false charge.

However Zeno is in love with Leonora Danin (Alessandra Panaro) and she plans to marry Bembo, so what a better way to despose of his competition. This is the very simple plot of the film.

What makes ther movie so good to me is the performances by all involved and that even with a threadbear plot, the story never slows down or fails to hold the interest of the viewer.

There is a lot of action and Barker is great as always in these kinds of films. The presentation from Sinister is very good and I also believe this is streaming on TUBI right now as well.

The rest of the cast includes Mario Petri, Alberto Farnese, Mirella Roxy and John Bartha.

A good one for fans of the genre.


Bret Hart is 67.

Monday, July 1, 2024


just an ok Italian peplum film.

I was sort of disappointed in this movie as it didn't really hold my attention up until the last 20 minutes or so.

The story revolves around Marcus Numidius (Ettore Manni) who is sent to Armenia to put down a revolt. He actually ends up capturing their leader named Aselepius (Georges Marchal).

In the meantime the evil Princess Amira (Gianna Maria Canale) wants to be queen and is very jealous at how much the people respect Aselepius and so she plans to hve him killed in the arena.

Things don't go quite as planned as you may guess. The plot goes in a lot of directions with Amira's plans being thrown out the window and several other characters trying to either revolt of stop same said revolt.

I won't give too much away, but lets just say that we really see how evuil Amira is at the conclusion of the movie. I can recommend this for genre fans I guess, but it's not the best. Hey, the women are at least very beautiful.

The rest of the cast includes Mara Cruz, Lina Rosales, Vega Vinci, and Renato Montalbano.


Pamela Anderson is 57, Jean Marsh is 90, Leslie Caron is 93, Debbie Harry is 79, and Robby The Robot is 69.