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Friday, September 9, 2011


Every once in a while comes a film in this modern age of filmmaking that just makes my jaw hit the floor, and this is one of them. James Nguyen brings to the screen one of the most unbelievable films ever. The first 45 minutes are spent getting the relationship of two young people off the ground, and then the "terror" starts as eagles attack the motel where the young couple is staying.
The attacking birds that crash into things sound just like jet planes and look about as realistic as a five year olds comic drawing!! The people who say movies of the 50's, 60's and 70's have bad special effects should look this one up.
No movie I have ever seen has worse, but that is not to say this film doesn't have some charm to it. Bad movies lovers like me enjoy this stuff, but I simply cannot imagine a film so badly acted with such dismal effects being made in the computer age, but then again, that may be the problem. The CGI sucks big time. The film has a reported budget of $10,000 which is 2 grand higher than my Tales Of The Damned and the film was much bigger than a budget like that would ever allow.
My hat is off to Mr. Nguyen for actually getting this film done and at least keeping my hopes alive for more super bad cinema to come.

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