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Monday, March 26, 2012


I might be the only fan of this movie too, but I doubt it. Most people I know won't admit they like it.
Stuart Whitman is a scientist who is asked to help control the rabbit population near a small town in Arizona. His daughter lets one of the test animals escape. Soon a huge army of giant flesh eating rabbits is on the loose. The actors all play this very straight, which they should.
Janet Leigh, Rory Calhoun and Paul Fix are just some of the many veteran actors who are in this cast.
I have always liked this movie and saw it on a triple feature once with Twins of Evil and Hands of The Ripper, and I never forgot it.
I was very glad Warner decided to make this available finally. I Recommend it, but to each their own.


  1. Oh, you're not alone...HUUUUUUUGE fan here.

    Not only do I own the original vinyl radio spots record, but just last week, I finished up a blog post that'll see publication this Halloween. (Yeah, yeah...I'm ridiculously ahead of schedule. Inspiration strikes where it will.)

    1. Wow...super cool!!!! I have the spots on mp3 but you have the original vinyl spots and that is just too much. Hey, I am so glad you are a fan. Cannot wait to read that blog post!!
