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Sunday, May 20, 2012


I said in a pervious review that Randolph Scott is my favorite actor in westerns and now I am telling you Audie Murphy is easily my second. Between these two men they made more entertaining movies than any two people in the western genre in my opinion.
In this film Murphy must get 40 repeating rifiles thru Apache territory and to a small out post to prevent them from being wiped out by Cochise.
Director William Whitney does a good job handling the action scenes and makes this a fine western. Murphy is aided by Ken Tobey in a great villian role, Michael Blodgett, Michael Burns and Laraine Stephens. Audie Murphy is the most decorated war hero of WW2
Sadly Murphy would die four years later in a plane crash outside of Roanoke Virginia.
If you are a westerns fan, you will enjoy this.


  1. Always liked Audie Murphy films. He always played the humble, yet determined player who in my opinion personified the "man in the white hat" western personality. So ironic that a man who could go through what he did in Europe during World War II would suvive only to die in a plane crash here in the States. Murphy's story is truly amazing. If you haven't read about it, it's worth the research and time to gain insights into the life of a truly great American hero. I also understand your choice of Randolph Scott--another great for sure. I will add that my favorite western movie actors also include Gary Cooper, John Wayne, Robert Taylor and Glen Ford.

    1. Robert Taylor, always a favorite in any film he made as far as I am concerned. Thanks for the comment.
