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Thursday, May 17, 2012


I consider her one of the greatest entertainers ever. As many of you who read this know, I LOVE 70's music and Donna Summer was always my favorite disco singer during the late 70's. I bought everything she ever sang, and still have all her music to this day.
On May 17th Donna lost her battle with cancer and the music world became just a little darker. Donna's greates songs were tunes like "Last Dance", "Bad Girls", "Love To Love You Baby" and many more. In later years she became a born again Christian and was accused of making anti-gay comments, but that is just crap that gay people throw out to make Christians look bad, and it did effect Donna, but she overcame that to. A true musical talent is gone, as are so many of the people I admired and liked. RIP Donna.

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