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Friday, November 29, 2013


Well made horror thriller.

Interesting film about an English Squire who is experimenting with immortality and finds a way to actually capture the spirit of death..or Asphyx as it is called.

Robert Stephens is Sit Hugo Cunningham who stops at nothing to capture the spirit. The several experiments he conducts end in catastrophe and death to those around him. He captures his own death spirit, and locks it away. His final experiment results in the death of his adoptive son and he learns that eternal life on earth is a curse, not a gift.

Robert Powell is the adoptive son, Giles Cunningham and he does an excellent job with the role. it is he that dooms his father to eternal life and if you watch the film you'll know why. The Blu-Ray disc contains both the English cut at 86 minutes and the US edit which is 98. The picture is sharp and clear and the audio is top notch.

I will not give too much away but I always loved the opening shots and the closing shots as they really hit home. Recommended.

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