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Friday, November 1, 2013


One of the scariest movies I have ever seen. Damn that Annabell Doll!!

A family of seven moves into a farm house in Rhode Island and soon find it haunted by a very evil ghost. This movie is based on the files of Ghost Hunters Lorraine and Ed Warren.

The family has many harrowing things happen including ghosts playing a terrifying "clapping game", loud banging and being pulled out of bed. They contact the Warrens and then things really get interesting.

Director James Wan knows how to scare an audience. This takes place in 1971 so thankfully there are no cell phones, computers and no flat screen tv's. When the world was good. Action fans will be disappointed as there is not comic book action, but there are plenty of scares.

This proves that you don't have to have a comic book movie to entertain and scare an audience. A highly recommended film with plenty of scenes you'll never forget. Don't forget to play the "clapping game". And damn that Annebell Doll!!!!

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