CURSE OF THE DOLL PEOPLE 1961 (BCI) This is an interesting and very creepy little Mexican film about a voodoo priest seeking revenge on those that stole an ancient symbol.
Some scenes of the dolls walking around looking for victims is very well done. The movie is presented in the original Mexican version an it totally uncut. I first saw this, as did many of you on the USA Network on Commander USA's Groovy Movies. I never forgot it.
Elvira Quintana and Ramon gay are the two leas in the film. Both in real life had tragic ends to their lives. Recommended!
Then, since it was Easter I HAD to watch my all time favorite film for that time of year...NIGHT OF THE LEPUS 1972 (WARNER).
Due to hormone experiments to stop the ever increasing rabbit population, a small section of the US southwest in overrun with giant killer rabbits.
Stuart Whitman and Janet Leigh star in this film that is so maligned by everyone. I have always loved this film. I first saw it in 1972 at a drive in. Rory Calhoun is a rancher that helps fight the invasion of the killer bunnies.
I will defend this film to my dying day. I love it an always watch it on Easter Sunday. Recommended!!

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