INVASION OF THE ASTRO MONSTER 1970 (CLASSIC MEDIA) AKA Godzilla Vs. Monster Zero. Nick Adams and the luscious Kumi Mizuno star in this classic monster bash. Aliens trick the earth into "lending" them Godzilla and Rodan in order to fight "Monster Zero" who is Ghidrah.
What the aliens really want is Earth to be a slave colony, and they unleash all three monsters upon the earth. This is one of the best Godzilla films of the period. Constant action and lots of monster fights and destruction. Mizuno is gorgeous as an alien woman who actually falls in love with an earthman, and it is her information that she secretly gives to Addams that saves the entire world.
Good Saturday afternoon fun.
THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN ALIVE 1960 (DVD-R) This is a rare film that sadly has been neglected. Ron Randall stars as a man who was set up by others for a murder he didn't commit. He escapes and is caught in a test area with an atom bomb. It goes off and he finds he has a body slowly turning to steel.
He seeks to get revenge on those that set him up and he does so one by one. The police are looking for him and his trail leads to his former girlfriend played by the very sexy Debra Paget, who never looked better than in this film in my opinion.
Morris Ankrum and Greg Palmer are the two policemen on the case. This is somewhat of a remake of the 1956 film "Indestructible Man". It has been sadly overlooked and that is a shame. I keep hoping this will turn up on DVD or Blu-ray, but there is little hope of that.
Anyway, I highly recommend this overlooked classic, if you can find it.

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